All of us at McCrea Family Farms strive to be good stewards of the land. Our farm is split evenly between row crop production (corn and soybeans) and pasture for cattle. All of our crop ground is terraced and no-tilled in order to reduce erosion, reduce and eliminate nutrient run-off and preserve moisture for growing crops.
We have recently adopted the use of cover crops to help add green fertilizer to the soil and to reduce compaction and increase water infiltration. We have used tillage radishes and crimson clover as cover crops. Some of these have been seeded into standing corn in order to provide immediate ground cover once the corn is harvested.
We are careful not to overstock pastures, so that we have plenty of summer grass as well as “stockpiled” grass for grazing in the fall and early winter. When cattle first arrive on our farm, they are vaccinated against disease and provided pens close to our barns so we can easily monitor their health and provide a starter ration for them to eat.
After 1-2 weeks, the cattle are moved to larger pastures, however we check the cattle on horseback to continue to insure the health and well being of the herd. Many of our pastures are watered via natural springs that have been piped into cement water tanks. These springs run year round and provide plenty of water.
While you may not see our name on a product in the grocery store, we take pride in providing the food that Americans and people around the globe need for their daily lives. We welcome you to ask us questions or even call ahead for a tour sometime. We’re always glad to share the story of the American farmer and rancher.